
JSON PathDescriptionExample
file_date_and_timeUTC Date transmitted by processor Format: YYYY-MM-DD hhmmss2024-10-10 011525
total_number_of_customer_recordsDetails how many customer records are included in the report1
total_number_of_card_recordsDetails how many card records are included in the report3
general details
client_idIdentifier associated with the Program Manager6f3f308e-64ef-4f38-9f9f-0e40b56a52b4
customer_idThe GUID associated to the Cardholder4c5bdecf-a557-4116-b28b-15e87ecbb335
first_nameThe cardholders first nameName
last_nameThe cardholders last nameLast
dobDate of birth associated with the Cardholder01/12/2000
phone_numberThe phone number held for the Cardholder+447599999999
email_addressThe email address held for the Cardholder[email protected]
address_line11st line of the address held for the Cardholder6 Global Payments
address_line22nd line of the address for the Cardholder if previously providedCard Lane
address_line33rd line of the address for the Cardholder if previously providedPayments
state_county_or_provinceState, county or province held for the CardholderCounty
cityThe City where the Cardholder residesLondon
post_codeThe Post Code of the Cardholder addressCL1 4DS
countryThe Country where the Cardholder residesGBR
program_nameProgram Name associated with the
CLOWD9 Debit
progam_idProgram ID associated with the card. Generated by CLOWD9 represented as a GUID1028c3d4-06fc-401d-bbb2-9df36a06e06b
product_nameProduct Name associated with the cardCLOWD9 UK
product_idProduct ID associated with the card. Generated by CLOWD9 represented as a GUID0fe391ec-e2ef-4ebc-bb8a-fad1262f5dc8
card_idThe identifier associated to the card used represented as a GUID1f0bcb3a-9cd4-4285-87fa-9a3f4d7ac9be
networkThe Network associated to the cardVisa or
Mastercard or
issuance_currencyThe domestic currency of the card826
creation_dateDate the card_id was created in YYYY-MM-DD format2024-03-05
expiry_dateThe date the card_id is due to expire in YYYY-MM-DD format2028-03-31
country_deliveryThe Country where the card was delivered to (if different to the Cardholder Address country)GBR
account_idThe account_id associated to the card_id generated by CLOWD9 represented as a GUID. On Ledger only.1e4aa3f6-6dcf-4bf6-aa85-bcdd3e5641b4