Getting Started
The CLOWD9 RESTful APIs allow you to manage your Customers payment programs through the user journey.
API Methods
POST message is used to send data to endpoints including data in their body request. For example - create a card or update card status.
GET message is used to retrieve attributes from a specific database. For example - get card status or get transaction details.
Throughout this documentation, the following acronyms, abbreviations and terms are used:
Customer - represents a person who uses the payment programme (i.e card, QR, etc)
Card - represents a payment card (physical or virtual) used for performing payment transactions
Account - represents the financial account of your Customer
Product - represents a type of payment (i.e card, QR, etc)
Field formats
Across the CLOWD9 API, the following field formats are used:
uuid: Unique identifier. String of 36-character length, format of ‘aaaaaaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaaaaaaaaaa’
string(xxy): String format field. Format defined by ‘xx’; “an” for alphanumeric, “n” for numeric”. Length optionally specified by 'y'.
date: String of 10-character length, format of ‘YYYY-MM-DD'.
Possible field values
Where applicable, a list of the potential acceptable or returned values is listed in the field description. The format of these values is italic, in quotation marks, for example “value”.
Updated 10 months ago