Authorizations Report
CLOWD9 will, by default, generate the Authorization Report daily (seven days a week) and send this to you via a previously configured SFTP connection.
The main purpose of this report is to provide you with all authorizations, approvals, and declines that have occurred at card_id level within the previous 24 hours for your use. This report will not be providing details of PIN changes, status changes, or clearing information and this information can be provided in other CLOWD9 reports.
As an Issuer, you will receive the Authorization data relevant to your Program Managers, their programs, products, and cards issued.
Where you are a Program Manager, the report will provide data applicable to your programs and products only.
The data provided within the report will be as per the configuration setup agreed previously with your Implementation Manager, for example, masked PAN, and data fields. The configuration can be amended where required at agreed times with CLOWD9.
File naming conventions
Field | Description |
Pre-fix | Agreed via the Customer Configuration Form. AN – length up to 15 characters (_ is allowed) |
Report Name | authorization |
Client | Agreed via the Customer Configuration Form. AN – length up to 15 characters ( _ is allowed) |
UTC Time | hhmmss |
Format | .xxx |
Example: Pre_fix-authorization-Client-YYYYMMDD-hhmmss.json
Updated about 1 month ago