Password Authentication

Following the creation and issuance of any New, Renewal or Replacement card_id, where your 3D Secure authentication configuration supports the OTP with Static Password method, CLOWD9 will require you to provide the Cardholder Password via the Password Authentication API as follows:

  • Request the Customer Key using the Get Customer Key API
  • Encrypt the Password using the Customer Key
  • Provide the card_id & secure_password via the Password Authentication API

Note: CLOWD9 will not store the encrypted Password for security reasons. In the event your Cardholder has forgotten / does not know the Password, a new Password must be requested from the Cardholder and provided to CLOWD9 via the Password Authentication API.

Cardholder Journey

Password Authentication Specifications

Path ParamsDescriptionFormat
card_idThe Identifier for the PAN.UUID

Body ParamsDescriptionFormat
secure_passwordThe password provided by the Cardholder for authenticationString


200: Success returns the card_id

400: Bad Request. Please review data provided

401: When access token is not provided, incorrect or expired

403: When access token provided does not have access to a resource