JSON PATH | Description | Example |
file_date_and_time | UTC Date transmitted by processor Format: YYYY-MM-DD hmmss | 2023-01-15 011525 |
total_number_of_records | Details how many records are included in the report | 1 |
clearing_records | ||
clearing.program_name | Program Name associated with the card | CLOWD9 Travel |
clearing_records.program_id | Program ID associated with the card. Generated by CLOWD9 represented as a GUID | 1028c3d4-06fc-401d-bbb2-9df36a06e06b |
clearing_records.product_id | Product ID associated with card. Generated by CLOWD9 represented as a GUID | 0828c3d4-06fc-401d-bbb2-9df36a06e06b |
clearing_records.card_id | The identifier associated to the card used represented as a GUID | f6ea4c96-db0b-4bd9-9d59-c745ea24b183 |
clearing_records.network_name | The network associated with the BIN and card_id | Visa Mastercard |
clearing_records.clearing_outcome | Identifies the outcome of matching the clearing to the original authorization | 0 |
clearing_records.clearing_cycle | Identifies the cycle file containing the clearing record. Note: This field is only applicable to Mastercard programs | 1 |
clearing_records.authorizations | ||
clearing_records.authorizations.transaction_id | The ID of the authorization identified to be matching the clearing record represented as a GUID | 1ae4af71-720d-4657-a742-24c7bc809985 |
clearing_records.authorizations.system_trace_audit_number | System Trace Audit Number of authorization | 105308 |
clearing_records.authorizations.retrieval_reference_number | Retrieval Reference Numbers of authorization | 74541834244288088530027 12345678910 |
clearing_records.record_id_clearing | The unique identifier of the clearing record in the CLOWD9 database represented as a GUID | 8de0972-bd31-46ac-bb3c-014b2b438c55 |
clearing_records.clearing_category | Identifies the category of a clearing transaction | sales_debit |
https://docs.clowd9.io/docs/presentment-type | The presentment type | 1 |
clearing_records.from_account | Reserved for future use and defaults to 00 | 00 |
clearing_records.to_account | Reserved for future use and defaults to 00 | 00 |
clearing_records.direction | To identify if the amount is a Debit or Credit | Debit Credit |
clearing_records.transaction_amount | The transaction amount in units represented in transaction_currency_code. For example 1000 = 10.00 | 225 |
clearing_records.transaction_currency_code | The transaction currency code | 978 |
clearing_records.reconciliation_amount | The actual billing amount in units from the clearing record. For example 1000 = 10.00 | 150 |
clearing_records.reconciliation_currency_code | The currency code of the reconciliation amount | 826 |
clearing_records.cardholder_billing_amount | The cardholder billing transaction amount in units, represented in billing_currency_code. For example 857 = 8.57 | 150 |
clearing_records.cardholder_billing_currency_code | Billing_currency_code | 826 |
clearing_records.cardholder_billing_conversion_rate | Rate provided by the Network represented as a string in decimal format Domestic values will use the rate 1.0000000 or 1 | 0.8444444 |
clearing_records.transaction_to_base_currency_rate | Rate if provided by the Network represented as a string in decimal format. This is used with the base_to_billing_currnecy_rate to calculate the cardholder_billing_converstion_rate. Note: If not provided, this will default to cardholder_billing_conversion_rate Domestic values will use the rate 1.0000000 or 1 | 0.8444444 |
clearing_records.base_to_billing_currency_rate | Rate if provided by the Network represented as a string in decimal format. This is used with the transaction_to_base_currency_rate to calculate the cardholder_billing_converstion_rate. Domestic values will use the rate 1.0000000 or 1 Note: If not provided, this will default to cardholder_billing_conversion_rate | 0.8444444 |
clearing_records.date | Date of transaction as per clearing record. YYYY-MM-DD | 2024-01-22 |
clearing_records.sequence_number | The sequence number of the clearing record. Used to identify multiple clearing transactions associated to the same authorization | 001 |
clearing_records.reason_code | Typically used in dispute transactions to identify the reason of dispute | 00 |
clearing_records.merchant_category_code | The Merchant Category Code (MCC) | 5542 |
clearing_records.reference_number | Reference number of the clearing record, such as Acquirer Reference Number (ARN) | 080000100059 |
clearing_records.acquiring_institution_id_code | The identification code of the Acquiring Institution | 00000999901 |
clearing_records.forwarding_institution_id_code | The identification code of the Forwarding Institution | 999901 |
clearing_records.authorization_code | Following successful matching, the value will be that of the original authorization. If the clearing record cannot be matched, the field will not be populated | 239845 |
clearing_records.card_acceptor_terminal_id | The identifier of the terminal where the transaction took place | 12345678 |
clearing_records.card_acceptor_id | The identifier of the card acceptor entity | R-5411-GBR |
clearing_records.card_acceptor_name | The name of the card acceptor entity | 7 CLOWD9 Street |
clearing_records.card_acceptor_city | The city of the card acceptor entity | London |
clearing_records.card_acceptor_post_code | The post code of the card acceptor entity | CL0 4DN |
clearing_records.card_acceptor_country_code | The country of the card acceptor entity | USA SG |
clearing_records.licensed_product_identifier | Network Product Identifier | MDT MDS |
clearing_records.network_file_reference | Reserved for future use | 001 |
clearing_records.network_card_program_identifier | Identifies the Program Type | MDS |
clearing_records.bin_type | Reserved for future use and will identify the BIN type | debit credit prepaid |
clearing_records.product_type | Reserved for future use and will identify the Product type | consumer corporate |
clearing_records.central_site_business_date | Central Processing Date from the clearing file. YYYY-MM-DD | 2023-01-14 |
clearing_records.special_condition_indicator | Provides additional information regarding dispute financials and adjustments | 1, 2, 3 N, F, H, L |
clearing_records.settlement_service_level_code | Numeric value (1) identifying type of settlement, Domestic or International | 1 |
clearing_records.settlement_date | Date of settlement from the network YYYY-MM-DD | 2023-01-14 |
clearing_records.additional_amount_type | Identifies the additional amount type | Cashback |
clearing_records.additional_amount | The value of the additional amount in units. For example 500 = 5.00 | 500 |
clearing_records.additional_amount_currency_code | The transaction currency code of the amount | 826 |
clearing_records.interchange_fee | Represents the interchange fee amount, beginning with “C” for Credit and “D” for Debit. This is represented in the issuer’s base currency, with 6 decimal places | C000000000000123000 |
Updated 2 months ago