Implementation Guide
Once the CLOWD9 sales team has gathered the high level requirements, pricing agreed, LOI signed and initial set up fee paid, CLOWD9 Implementation Manager (IM) will become the primary dedicated resource for the CLOWD9 elements of the project.
The CLOWD9 IM will represent the effort and deliverables that needed to be achieved throughout the project.
- Oversee involvement of the support team as and when appropriate.
- Provide execution of all configuration (all relevant environments).
- Provide first line technical support for solution design and API’s.
- Involve the technical team when required.
- Be involved with all direct conversation with the technical specialists.
- Represent the customer needs internally within CLOWD9.
Whenever is possible is advisable to arrange a face to face project kick off including all the stakeholders to capture full requirements.
Its recommended that the Program Manager schedule regular progress updates, usually a weekly conference call involving all required stakeholders (Network, Issuer, Card Manufacturer, CLOWD9 IM, etc).
The Program Manager is responsible for documenting the agenda, minutes, actions, risks and issues. However, this does not stop CLOWD9 IM from circulating the minutes, keeping the RAIDs (Risk, Action, Issues and Dependencies) log and the project folder up to date.
Customer Support and Customer Success teams will be introduced to customer before commencement of pavement testing (Live testing) and they will be kept update of any issues throughout the pavement testing.
Updated 2 months ago