JSON Path | Value | Length | Description | Required |
summary | ||||
fileDate | NS | 10 | The date file is produced by the CLOWD9 platform DD-MM-YYYY format | M |
fileTime | NS | 9 | Time when the file is produced by the CLOWD9 platform HH:MM:SS format | M |
numberOfCarriers | N | 1-8 | Defined number of card carriers (packaging) in the file | M |
numberOfCards | N | 1-8 | Defined number of card records in the file | M |
numberOfCardDesigns | N | 0-8 | Defined number of card design refer in the file | O |
transmissionReference | ANS | 36 | Unique ID for the file generated by CLOWD9 platform | M |
bulkDeliveries | ||||
bulkDeliveryID | ANS | 0-36 | The Identifier for the Card Manufacturer | O |
title | ANS | 0-7 | Title of cardholder that should be added to the carrier i.e Mr, Miss, Mrs, etc | O |
firstName | A | 0-50 | Forename of the cardholder that should be added to the card carrier | O |
lastName | A | 0-50 | Surname of the cardholder that should be added to the card carrier | O |
addressLine1 | ANS | 0-100 | First line of the delivery address | O |
addressLine2 | ANS | 0-100 | Second line of the delivery address | O |
addressLine3 | ANS | 0-100 | Third line of the delivery address | O |
city | ANS | 0-50 | City of the delivery address | O |
postCode | AN | 0-9 | Postcode or Zipcode of the delivery address | O |
country | A | 0-3 | Country ISO Alpha value | O |
ANS | 0-100 | Cardholder email address | O | |
phoneNumber | AN | 0-15 | Cardholder mobile number | O |
bulkRef | AN | 0-36 | A previously agreed reference to identify the Bulk ID dispatch process | O |
products.card | ||||
cardID | ANS | 1-36 | A GUID for the Card, generated by CLOWD9 | M |
products.carrier | ||||
carrier.title | A | 0-7 | Title of cardholder that should be added to the carrier i.e Mr, Miss, Mrs, etc | O |
carrier.firstName | AS | 0-50 | Forename of the cardholder that should be added to the card carrier | O |
carrier.lastName | AS | 0-50 | Surname of the cardholder that should be added to the card carrier | O |
carrier.addressLine1 | ANS | 0-100 | First line of the delivery address | O |
carrier.addressLine2 | ANS | 0-100 | Second line of the delivery address | O |
carrier.addressLine3 | ANS | 0-100 | Third line of the delivery address | O |
carrier.city | ANS | 0-50 | City of the delivery address | O |
carrier.postCode | AN | 0-9 | Postcode or Zipcode of the delivery address | O |
carrier.country | A | 0-3 | Country ISO Alpha value | O |
carrier.email | ANS | 0-100 | Cardholder email address | O |
carrier.phoneNumber | NS | 0-15 | Cardholder mobile number | O |
carrier.cardDeliveryRef | N | 0-1 | Delivery method for the card Standard mail Registered mail Direct Delivery (courier) Special Delivery | O |
carrier.carrierType | AN | 0-50 | Defines carrier product. This is the carrier product design reference | O |
carrier.envelopeRef | AN | 0-50 | Envelope reference for the card packaging | O |
carrier.carrierFullfil1 | ANS | 0-10 | Additional fulfilment parameter - possible values must be agreed with the card manufacturer | O |
carrier.carrierFullfil2 | ANS | 0-10 | Additional fulfilment parameter - possible values must be agreed with the card manufacturer | O |
carrier.carrierLanguage | A | 0-2 | Alpha character value (ISO 639-1) for the language to be printed on the carrier information. | O |
carrier.bulkRef | AN | 0-36 | A previously agreed reference to identify the Bulk ID dispatch process | O |
products.card | ||||
card.track1 | ANS | 32-79 | ISO Standard Track 1 data (Magstripe track 1). Strictly compliant with the ISO/IEC 7813:2006 standard: %BPAN^NAME ^EXPIRY+SERVICECODE+PVKI+PVV+00+CVV+000000? | M |
card.track2 | ANS | 28-5-0 | ISO Standard Track 2 data (Magstripe track 2). Strictly compliant with the ISO/IEC 7813:2006 standard: Visa: ;PANDEXPIRY+SERVICECODE+PVKI+PVV+CVV+00000? Mastercard: ;PANDEXPIRY+SERVICECODE+PVKI+CVV+000000? | M |
card.track3 | ANS | 0-50 | Reserved for future use | O |
card.embossPAN | N | 14-19 | Primary Account Number | M |
card.embossName | ANS | 3-26 | Actual maximum length will depend on card design | M |
card.embossStartDate | NS | 5 | Card start date - month and year when CHIP application is active from MM/YY format | M |
card.embossExpiryDate | NS | 5 | Card expiry date - month and year when CHIP application expires MM/YY format | M |
card.embossCVC2 | NS | 8 | Full 7 digit CVC2/CVV2 value in format nnnn nnn (Last 4 PAN numbers + space + CVC2 value) | M |
card.embossLine4 | ANS | 0-35 | Freeform field as presented by client at card creation to CLOWD9, to be printed on the card . Must be agreed with the card manufacturer | O |
card.thermalLine1 | ANS | 0-20 | Freeform field as presented by client at card creation to CLOWD9, to be printed on the card . Must be agreed with the card manufacturer | O |
card.thermalLine2 | ANS | 0-20 | Freeform field as presented by client at card creation to CLOWD9, to be printed on the card . Must be agreed with the card manufacturer | O |
card.designRef | ANS | 0-36 | Identifies the card design. If supported, pre agreed ID with the card manufacturer | O |
card.qrCode | ANS | 0-2000 | Reserved for future use | O |
products.chip | ||||
chip.customerName | ANS | 3-26 | Customer Name for encoding on the CHIP . Must match name embedded in Track 1 | M |
chip.PAN | N | 14-19 | Primary Account Number for encoding on the CHIP | M |
chip.PANSequence | N | 14-19 | PAN sequence number for encoding on the CHIP | M |
chip.serviceCode | N | 3 | Service Code for encoding on the CHIP | M |
chip.chipTrack1 | ANS | 1-79 | CHIP Track 1 data following standard ISO & EMV Formatting: %BPAN^NAME^EXPIRYDATE+SERVICECODE+PVKI+PVV+00+iCVV+000000? | M |
chip.chipTrack2 | ANS | 34-39 | CHIP Track 2 data following standard ISO & EMV formatting (including ICVV): Visa format: ;PANDEXPIRY+SERVICECODE+PVKI+PVV+ICVV+00000; Mastercard format: ;PANDEXPIRY+SERVICECODE+PVKI+ICVV+000000; | M |
chip.PINBlock | AN | 16 | Encrypted PIN Data via a pre-shared PBK / ZPK | M |
chip.cardType | AN | 20 | Identifies the Network: visa mastercard | M |
Updated about 1 month ago