CLOWD9 will receive Authorization Information from the during the transaction process. For Off-Ledger and On-Ledger Customers, CLOWD9 will carry out Card and Cardholder verfications, for example:
- Card Status
- Expiry and CVV2 validation
- PIN validation
- Behaviour checks (limits, usage rules, Merchant Category Code, Country restrictions)
- ARQC validation
There are many other validations CLOWD9 perform and where one of more or unsuccessful, CLOWD9 will decline an Authorization for the relevant reason.
The following are the message types CLOWD9 will send to you and the type of response required.
Where you are managing the Cardholder balance (Off-Ledger) and authentication has been succesful, CLOWD9 will forward the Authorization Request to your configured Authorization endpoint to decide the outcome.
- Approved: CLOWD9 will require an approved response with the relevant approval response code populated
- Declined: Where the transaction outcome is not succesful, CLOWD9 will require a decline responsewith the response code and reason populated
CLOWD9 will provide the response to the Network which is then provided to the Merchant / Card Acceptor via their Acquirer.
Where CLOWD9 are managing the Cardholder balances (On-Ledger) and / or the card holder verification has not been succesful, CLOWD9 will forward the Authorization outcome your configured Authorization endpoint. You will not be required to provide a response as the outcome cannot be changed; instead you will be required to acknowledge the message.
Updated 3 months ago