On Ledger Authorization

Following an Authorization Request being received via the Network, CLOWD9 will perform a series of verifications to determine the outcome of the request.

CLOWD9 will respond to the Network which will include the outcome of the transaction, Authorized or Declined (where decline, the reason will be also provided). The Network will transmit CLOWD9's response to the Card Acceptor (via their Acquirer) who will communicate this to your Cardholder.

Using the pre-configured endpoint, you will be provided with Authorization Notification via the CLOWD9 Dynamic Data Stream service. You will be required to acknowledge all notification messages - you will not be able to change the outcome.

During the Authorization Request process, the following can take place:

  • Authorization is approved
  • Authorization is declined
  • Network Stand In Processing (STIP), whereby the Network has decided the outcome of the request. This is normally as a result of the Network not receiving the response in time or at all from CLOWD9
  • Authorization Reversal Request, whereby the Authorization Request has been cancelled
  • Authorization Reversal Notification, where the Network provides instruction to reverse a previously approved Authorization

Approved Authorization

Following an approved Authorization, the following will take place:

  • Debit Reservation will increase by the approved amount
  • Available balance will decrease by the approved amount
  • A Clearing Record for the amount together with settlement is expected. Note:The expected Clearing and Settlement amount may differ if there are any additional messages received for example partial or full reversal

Declined Authorization

The Authorization Response may be declined for a number of reasons. For example:

  • Card verification is not successful, for example:
    • Expiry and / or CVV2 is invalid
    • PIN is incorrect
    • Card is in a status that is not active
  • One or more of the behaviours has not been met, for example:
    • Transaction is not permitted to the Cardholder (Merchant Category Code, Country Code or other restrictions are in place)
    • Limits have been exceeded
    • Insufficient funds

The Authorization Request Notification will provide the Response Code and Reason. Where this value is 100 or higher, the Authorization Request has not been successful.