JSON PATH | Description | Example |
file_date_and_time | UTC Date transmitted by processor Format: YYYY-MM-DD hhmmss | 2024-01-15 011023 |
total_number_of_records | Details how many records are included in the report | 1 |
authorizations | ||
authorizations.program_name | Program Name associated with the card. Generated by CLOWD9 represented as a GUID | CLOWD9 Travel |
authorizations.program_id | Program Name associated with the card. Generated by CLOWD9 represented as a GUID | b33bf1dc-30f4-498f-b7ad-3e23b7f0180e |
authorizations.product_id | Program Name associated with the card. Generated by CLOWD9 represented as a GUID | 7ab1e3e2-32cc-4e8f-96af-50fc158a4bd5 |
authorizations.card_id | The ID of the card associated to the transaction | 9fc53743-247b-185f-8720-13be7ac028b6 |
authorizations.bin | 8 digit value for the BIN the card_id is associated with. Subject to the network, this could be 6 digits | 12345678 |
authorizations.bin_type | Reserved for future use | |
authorizations.network_name | The network associated with the BIN and card_id | Visa Mastercard |
authorizations.mti | Numeric network specific identifier of the financial operation | 0100 |
authorizations.message_type | Type of message received from the Network | Authorization |
authorizations.transaction_id | The unique identifier (UUID) of the transaction log entry in the CLOWD9 database. Generated by CLOWD9 represented as a GUID | 71a78503-5b49-42d1-ae89-4280a12b9af2 |
authorizations.system_trace_audit_number | The System Trace Audit Number for the network message if present/applicable | 123456 |
authorizations.retrieval_reference_number | The Retrieval Reference Number for the network message if present/applicable | 12345678910 |
authorizations.network_transaction_id | The unique identifier of the transaction assigned by the network, such as Visa TID. Reserved for future use for Mastercard | 204145677823994 |
authorizations.result | Indicates based on the response code the authorization outcome | Approved Declined |
authorizations.direction | To identify if the amount is a Debit or Credit | Debit Credit |
authorizations.response_code | Response code of the transaction. In notification messages, it is the final outcome of the authorization process. In request messages, it may contain a value indicating the outcome of previous checks | 000 100 |
authorizations.response_source | Indicates the source of the response_code value | scheme CLOWD9 client |
authorizations.response_reason | A description of the reason for the assigned response_code. See Appendix ii for reasons | Approved Do Not Honour |
authorizations.transaction_type | The numerical value for the transaction service and used to identify the service type. See Appendix iii for types | 00 |
authorizations.transaction_service | The alpha value associated with the transaction_type | Goods and Services |
authorizations.authorization_code | The code generated by CLOWD9 or the network following a successful authorization | 038247 |
authorizations.transaction_life_cycle_id | Unique identifier generated by the Network during the Authorization | MDT0023J3 |
authorizations.transaction_local_date | The local date at the point of transaction origination, YYYYMMDD | 20230108 |
authorizations.transaction_local_time | The local time at the point of transaction origination, HHMMSS | 210608 |
authorizations.transaction_amount | The amount to be authorized with the transaction in units. Can be “0” for non-financial messages | 225 |
authorizations.transaction_currency_code | The Numeric currency code in which transaction_amount is represented. Note that this may have implications for the decimal place | 978 |
authorizations.transaction_currency | The Alpha (2-3) currency code in which transaction_amount is represented | EUR |
authorizations.cardholder_billing_amount | The cardholder currency amount to be authorized in units. This amount may differ to the transaction_amount where the transaction currency is different to card settlement currency | 190 |
authorizations.cardholder_billing_conversion_rate | Rate provided by the Network represented as a string in decimal format Domestic values will use the rate 1.0000000 or 1 | 1 |
authorizations.cardholder_billing_currency_code | The Numeric currency code in which cardholder_billing_amount is represented. Note that this may have implications for the decimal place | 826 |
authorizations.cardholder_billing_currency | The Alpha (2-3) currency code in which cardholder_billing_amount is represented | GBP |
authorizations.additional_amount | Additional amount for example cashback | 100 |
authorizations.additional_amount_currency_code | The currency code of the additional amount. Should match the authorization currency code | 826 |
authorizations.additional_amount_type | Identifies the type of additional amount | Cashback |
authorizations.card_acceptor_country_name | The country of the card acceptor entity in Alpha 2-3 | GBR |
authorizations.card_acceptor_post_code | The post code of the card acceptor entity | AB1 2CD |
authorizations.merchant_category_code | The Merchant Category Code | 5542 |
authorizations.card_acceptor_name | The name of the card acceptor entity | 7 CLOWD9 Street |
authorizations.card_acceptor_terminal_id | The identifier of the terminal where the transaction took place | 35043598 |
authorizations.card_acceptor_city | The city of the card acceptor entity | London |
authorizations.card_acceptor_country_code | The Alpha (2-3) country code of the card_acceptor | GBR |
authorizations.acquiring_institution_id_code | The identification code of the Acquiring Institution | 015909 |
authorizations.forwarding_institution_id_code | The identification code of the Forwarding Institution | 023748 |
authorizations.chip_indicator | Indicates if the transaction was made using the Integrated Circuit Card (ICC Chip) i.e. Contact / Contactless. See Appendix iv for values and meaning | contact |
authorizations.pin_indicator | Indicates whether PIN for the transaction was checked, its nature and the result. See Appendix v for values and meaning | y n |
authorizations.dcc_indicator | Indicates whether Dynamic Currency Conversion took place | y n |
authorizations.3ds_indicator | Indicates whether 3D-Secure Authentication took place for this transaction | y n |
authorizations.eci | E-Commerce authentication indicator. For an e-commerce transaction, when available, identifies the various security measures applied before transaction submission. See Appendix vi for values and meaning | 0 |
authorizations.trace_id | A unique value used to assist with locating the transaction | d27aa3ad557092196b87e8e24d5b12f |
Updated about 1 month ago